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Wholistic Wellness Life Coaching/Guidance

These two-way interactive sessions are intended to draw-out and re-mind you of what your deeper-Self is already well aware of. The art of Wholistic coaching is to promote whole-person wellbeing.


I support a space for connecting and deep listening on matters (even the existential ones), relevant and important to you and your life. Through this, I can assist you with discerning the “root” of what may be causing imbalance, disharmony and ultimately dissatisfaction in your life. As you are guided to tap into, explore and align with your inner knowing; you're better able to make decisions that benefit you and your vision of a life you choose to experience. These sessions can also simply serve as a listening ear and personalized encouragement.


The aim is to lead you to self-awareness/knowledge. Essentially, this begins with dispelling old, self-defeating beliefs, conditioning, and programs and patterns. Guidance for those choosing to identify, activate or deepen your communion with spiritual influences within; that may feel to be physically beyond you. Ultimately, the purpose of these sessions are for personal or professional development. The coaching relationship is designed to help you achieve specific goals, personal improvement, and enhance your quality of life.


This guidance can also serve those experiencing personal "awakenings", spiritual crisis, clarifying any new clair-senses or honing the ones you're already aware of. 

​This is an example of some preliminary questions we can explore:
• What is your most urgent concern?
" What is the one area of your life that you would like to improve the most?"
" What is the most important thing you want to achieve right now?
• What 3 goals do you want to achieve within the next 3 months?
• What are three personal desires you are currently not pursuing?​​​​
​45 mins. / $95 (single session) 
Bundle rate 
(6) 45 min / $500 or 2 payments of $250
Free 30 minute mapping/discovery session
weekly sessions - Recommended for less complex support (example: one area you would like to change) 
3 email supports, if needed.                         
1 hour / $140 (single session)
Bundle rate
6 1 hour sessions: $750 or 2 payments of $375
Free 30 minute mapping/discovery session

(weekly or bi-weekly sessions) 

Includes homework/exercises based on coaching sessions and goals

1 Email support per week, if needed. 

Complimentary Wellness Discovery15-minute session. 
You can also combine your session with my other services (in-person).
Online and Telesessions available.
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